EU SME Support

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are offered free expert advice. This initiative is carried out on behalf of Vinnova, Tillväxtverket the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and the Swedish Energy Agency by EU SME Support. The aim is to increase the number of Swedish SMEs applying for and receiving funding from EU programs like Horizon Europe, EIC, Eurostars, and the European Innovation Fund.

These SMEs receive complimentary expert guidance. EU SME Support acts as their ally, assisting in the formulation of their initial applications, offering advice on reapplying after rejections, and providing continued support post-funding, including help with reporting, audits, and other project-related inquiries.

The service covers the entirety of Sweden, boasting a wide range of industry expertise and a wealth of experience in business coaching and EU application processes. Each SME is assigned a dedicated contact person to act as a sounding board throughout their journey. Additionally, SMEs can enhance their applications by participating in workshops alongside others in similar situations.

The calls are aimed at:

  • Knowledge-intensive, high-tech companies that have growth and international ambitions.
  • Innovative businesses capable of revolutionizing an industry, offering radical improvements, and bringing about substantial change.
  • SMEs, defined as companies employing fewer than 250 people and having an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros, or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros.

Visit EU SME SUPPORT for more information

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